Safety Stake Flags - many different imprints and misprints

Why should a large conglomerate have the monopoly on making lawns colorful?
Offered is a huge (and we mean huge) job lot of safety flags. These are the little colorful things cable and gas companies, surveyors, forestry guys and more use to mark out boundaries and other necessary locations.
For example.... there is a huge herd of beef steer wandering around the Texas panhandle, not walking into gopher holes that are now marked with bright stake flags. Of course should they ever decide to watch Cable TV the rancher will have a problem but then maybe we'll send them the Sprinkler Service or Natural Gas flags.. No shortage of options.
We have 18" up to 36", metal and plastic stakes, large lots of the same imprints and smaller lots of various different imprints. In all about 450,000 pieces. Priced for a fraction of wholesale. (In fact, we have bought this inventory a few times and although the mill keeps making mistakes and overruns the flags are no longer available to us. The steel costs so much it is cheaper to recycle it. That's how cheap these flags are!)
We offer these by the full case of 1000 flags, and open stock by 100. Email for info. Cheap.